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Dr. Antonio Moreno Ortiz

1 Comment

  1. Dear Dr. Antonio Moreno Ortiz,

    I am NAGASE, working as a cataloger at academic library in Japan.

    Now, I have got your work titled “Comunicación mediada por ordenador, 2019”.

    I would try for creating better bibliographic record.

    Therefore, I have a favor to ask of you.

    The question is as follows:

    I found your Name Heading* on the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File)**.
    Can these Name Headings be matched?

    1 Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio
    2 Moreno Ortiz, António Jesús
    3 Ortiz Moreno, José Antonio
    4 Moreno Ortiz, Antonio Antonio Jesús
    5 Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio

    Best regards,

    NAGASE, H. (Cataloguer, Kansai Gaidai University Library, Japan)
    *Simply speaking, a kind of ID for distinguish from other authors.

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